Sharing your Data with Codex Health

Security and privacy is a core value of Codex Health’s mission. All technology solutions are designed with a high degree of respect for user security and privacy.

Why does Allie need access to my iOS Apple Health data?

Codex Health uses data collected from your Apple Health to better understand your health journey. This information helps build a complete picture of your cardiometabolic health. Your personal Codex clinician can see this information and measure the progress of your health journey.

Allie requests access to the following Apple Health information.

  • Glucose
      1. Blood Glucose
      2. Insulin Delivery
  • Blood Pressure
    1. Diastolic Blood Pressure
    2. Systolic Blood Pressure
    3. Resting Heart Rate
    4. Heart Rate
  • Weight
      1. Steps (Activity)
      2. Weight

It is recommended that you grant Allie permission to all data in your Apple Health. However, you may use Allie by granting only the permissions needed for your specific use-case.

How does Codex Health Protect my Data?

Codex Health is HIPAA complaint and routinely audited by independent, third-parties. Below provides some details on how your data is handled.

  • All data is encrypted and stored in a highly secure facility.
  • Audit & Alerts automatically alert security teams to suspicious behavior.
  • Codex hires third-party security teams to regularly test & verify our data security.
  • Third-party auditors regularly conduct audits of our company policies and procedures to ensure patient health information remains secure.

Still have questions? Please visit our website below for more information: 



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